Friday, October 9, 2009

Lauryn's school had a very special event several weeks ago. It was called "Hike and Serve". The theme was showing the hands and feet of Christ to the community. It started early in the morning as the Jr. High and High School students made their way to various business and homes where they were to "serve". The elementary students went to a nature center and hiked and prayed for their fellow students that were serving - that God would help them to be "salt" in our world. It was such a neat scene as we all gathered in the gym afterward. Yes, it was a bunch of bright orange and I think they were a very bright spot in our town! I loved it. I was so proud of who they were and Who they represented.

The beans came off this week. Lauryn and Brandon came home from school this week to find Mark out on the combine. They were very eager to get out there with him. Thanks Mark they loved it. Lauryn would rather ride on a combine than go to King's Island - and that's no joke!

Looked out one morning and found this.... Still in jammies. Pink and purple from head to toe.
Brooklyn and Mia takin' a morning ride - on the deck :o) And she was singin' like a lark. Made me smile.

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