Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I have a friend to thank. We were standing in the bookstore at camp and she pulled a rather over sized paperback book out of the shelf and asked if I had ever read it. I told her no and she told me I should and that it is very good. That was understating it by quite a bit, but keep in mind I'm the excitable sanguine and she's rather cool and collected. So it is no surprise that I have told most everyone that has even cast an eye in my direction for the last two days about this book. Thank you, Heather for recommending it. Now I'm doing you all the same favor. The suspense I can feel it.... First, the things I learned from this book or maybe I should say how this booked changed my life.... I was brought to tears over the love of God. It never hit me that way. God takes us in His arms blesses us over and over again with gifts we hardly even recognize as such when we don't deserve them. Are you listening -- reading? We don't deserve them! We are self centered little punks (pioneer woman you are wearing off on me) who think we are entitled to a good life. When we are not even deserving of the air we breathe. But back to the love. Then I am faced with the love we are to show others. The love God gives us in our hearts to show others that they may see Him through us. This is where I'm spellbound. I find myself blurry-eyed often lately thinking about this. I want to love someone to God. I have been so miserably inadequate at this. Me, who hasn't read a novel probably in a year, took a book about discipline on vacation with me (very weird I know), but who is constantly looking for insight -- finds it in a novel. Thank you God for speaking to me through this. Now go beg, borrow or buy Francine Rivers ~ Redeeming Love off of someone and let me know if I am just being my excitable self of did it hit you the same way.

Love, wl

P.S. I took this picture several weeks ago. It doesn't quite do the evening justice. It was beautiful and after writing this it just seemed to be the right one to post. A gentle reminder of a loving God who gave us a quiet evening in the country with a thin blanket of fog above a flourishing hay field -- depicting such artistry. And reminding us that God sends blessings to enjoy sometimes in unsuspecting places and times -- we just need to open our eyes. (Oh, and I can't forget Luck -- another blessing. I am blessed to have a childhood dream come true -- my own horse.)


The Going Blog said...

I have read that book. It is awesome. Another author that writes fiction but you come away with usable information and spiritual insight is Karen Kingsbury. I must come see you sometime. Your back yard (or wherever that horse was) looks most peaceful. Have a great day!

Dani said...

That pic makes me soo homesick for the barn :) Enjoy the blog

Aimee said...

Anytime Heather suggests a book, I read it as quick as I can. =) and I like Redeeming Love.

Heather said...

I am glad you liked the book wilma! You can describe in so much better words than I can though. I think I will read it again now.

Myranda said...

Oh, you know what? Before you even named the book I was like, I bet she is talking about "redeeming love" - or at least what you were explaining is how I feel about that book.

LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Glad you got to enjoy it, too!!