Saturday, April 14, 2007

Good Friends

Wow -- I'm not out there by myself. I have some good friends. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a note. I may be getting hooked to this blogging thing. You're right Heather, blogging brings us closer and keeps us tuned in to each other's lives. I hope somehow to bring sunshine to whomever needs it and I know I have already been encouraged, too, hearing from you all.

1 comment:

The Dickinsons said...

Wilma...I LOVE This blogging. It is a GOD-SEND for this lonely missionary lady. I have no friends around here that know my culture and speak my orginal langauge, so my blog helps me feel like I've had a visit from all of my friends. =)
You have a precious family! CUTE PICS!!!
Have a good weekend, Sis. E. said it might snow again...BRR! =)
Love, Heather